18 Jun 2012

Salawa Abeni Features Son Big Sheff In Her Popular Hit Track "Gentle Lady"Remix

It might come to a suprise that the legendary waka queen ,Salawa Abeni has a son who is a talented rapper.His name is Big Sheff (Sheriff Ilori).
Big Sheff is a rapper, producer,currently signed to candiva signature owned by his elder sister .He is the last of Queen Salawa Abeni childrenand he is often refre to as Nigeria Rick Rossby his friend because of their striking resemblance.Already he has two singles on air entitled "Ema lo binu & Kini to lo bunmi".Right now he is working on a new track the remix of Salawa Abeni's classic hit song "Gentle lady"which features Salawa Abeni herself.
It will be hitting the airwaves soon.

1 comment:

godfather said...

we cannot wait for the great thing to happen.i beg go on soun....kunle okunade