13 Sept 2013

Kennis Music's Dayo D1 Caught In The Web Of Sex Scandal

There's a top secret popular broadcaster, Dayo Adeneye aka D1, would not want anybody to know if he has his way but unfortunately the beans has been spilled. The business partner of the Kenny Ogungbe of Kennis Music is sure having sleepless night over his amorous affair with a lady who is based in the UK.

According to sources, Dayo Adeneye must have bitten more than he can chew as his unguarded extra marital affairs has started to hunt him as plans to get rid of the pregnancy which his UK mistress had for him was abortive leaving D1 at crossroads.

It was gathered reliably that D1 met this Calabar babe, Susan Ekpe during the 2009 Nottinghill Carnival and the duo has been closely inseparable since then to the extent D1 found her house in London as second home and was even at his best when Susan came to Nigeria for the first time, learnt he sent his car to pick her at the airport and also spoilt her silly during her stay.

The source who`s close to the lovebirds hinted that the once bubbly Susan is now a sad lady as she now has to nurture and fend, all alone for her almost 2 years old child, a bouncing baby girl who`s D1`s perfect replica.

We were told that, D1 had actually been strict with the use of condom during the constant relationship that lasted almost 4 years until he decided to go it `raw` one fateful evening.

Weeks after, the result came and D1 stood his ground that it must be an abortion, though Susan who's then in her early 30s tried all she could but unfortunately the baby who's named Rebecca refused to be aborted given credence to its Biblical meaning of "To Bind", so the baby has forever bind the union.

Rebecca's mum who works in the UK is sick and tired of everything. According to sources, she's not asking for too much, not marriage this time but for Dayo D1 to take up his responsibility as the baby's father and all this she has tried to pursue in a solemn and subtle way without success.
In our facts finding mission, we tried to get in touch with Dayo Adeneye for his own side of the story, when this office got him, he was so attentive but the moment he heard the name, Susan Ekpe, he quickly cut off the phone, and we rang him back several times but he ignored the calls. #GOBE!

Courtesy Olufamous

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